
Forgiveness Gift Is Sanity

Category: /General/
Forgiveness Gift Is Sanity

Living is full of many things, people and
events some can even rearrange a person's
life. Wounds of yesterday can taint one's
present moment sight.

New people come and go, It is only a
matter of time whats is their hearts you
will know. I have witnessed some who
can stoop quite low.

Not think twice for their bad deeds or
the mean words they spoke. It never
fails to amaze me how they say get
over it as if what they did never exist.

Forgiveness is a tool for ones sanity
for surely who needs forgiving won't
bother to know, they've gone to the
next poor unsuspecting fool.

That's how people like you and me are
seen, why? Well because we foolishly
believed. Their good intentions turned
out to be lies in disguise.

Smile to your face as they rob you blind.
What's taken they'll decide to stay and
try helping you to find, while it's in their
pocket the whole time.

These are some of the reasons being
alone is just fine and forgiveness a gift
While going down the list, yes it hurts
but their deeds won't be missed.

As I walk through the valleys and
shadows of man I pass by those with
bad intent. knowing they cant harm
me for the love within me is heaven sent.

No matter how hard they try to rip me
apart, to their misfortune the one thing
that has more value and worth then all
the gold known to man
will be something they can never have,the
deepest part of who I am. God's Breath
made manifest and it's through his love
and forgiveness

I have been given the
means to retain my
own sanity

Joy Hardy

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