
"The Third Decade of My Life"

Category: /General/
In youth's embrace, a novice I stood,
Ignorance veiled in childhood's hood.
Three decades unfold, a life's grand stage,
From timid youth to wisdom's sage.

Once a tender soul, untamed, unknown,
Forced to dance where seeds of friendship were sown.
A tranquil haven, now echoes loud,
With chatter, laughter, in the bustling crowd.

A journey embarked, to fit the mold,
From aloof glances to smiles bold.
Yet, life's lessons etched upon my core,
I learned to brave fears, to explore.

In the tapestry of self, I find my thread,
Not confined by norms, but freely spread.
A symphony of words, both quiet and loud,
Emotion's ebb and flow, a diverse crowd.

Detached or attached, a dichotomy true,
In the dance of existence, I find my cue.
Living authentically, unbridled, free,
Crafting a life that's uniquely me.

Gratitude blooms in my heart's tender care,
For those who love and those who share.
Blessings bestowed, a divine decree,
Thanks to God, my guide across life's sea.

The third decade beckons, a canvas blank,
May it be meaningful, joyously rank.
A chapter of purpose, where happiness thrives,
The Third Decade of my life, where fulfillment arrives.


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