
"Unseen Bonds of Time"

Category: /General/
In college halls, where solitude embraced,
I built a fortress, emotions replaced.
But fate weaved threads of friendship's grace,
And you, a classmate, stepped into the space.

Two souls divergent, yet destiny's hand,
Drew us together, an unforeseen strand.
From wary glances, to laughter's command,
Our friendship bloomed in a distant land.

Graduation came, paths took their flight,
Communication waned, yet the bond held tight.
Personalities varied, colors so bright,
But in unity, our spirits took flight.

Trust issues clung, like shadows long,
Yet she stood tall, undeterred, strong.
Broken hearts healed, love's sweet song,
With courage and grace, she journeyed along.

Through trials endured, she weathered the storm,
Her heartache, a tale of love's fleeting form.
Wounds would heal, and scars transform,
Her resilience shining, a beacon to warm.

With open arms, I long to be near,
To ease her burdens, help conquer the fear.
Her spirit, a phoenix, rising clear,
Guided by friendship, drawing her near.

"Unseen Bonds of Time," a tale we share,
Of souls united, beyond measure or care.
Though distance may grow, a love beyond compare,
Hoping to uplift, our hearts forever to bear.

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