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There lived long ago in Shampan, a clutter of Kings who ruled on one throne, with the best gold crowns of shades, cadre, quality and reflection; all children, cousins, nephews and nieces of King Tallon of the Ebua Fine Kingdom in Tallyne.
King Tallon was a good expression of the age; the yellow power. He descended from the Mix-mines who dwelt in, owned and dominated Osopia kingdom in Nex Velt in Absolute Hill. Most who lived then, and those who lived after, and those who live now and will ever live, will never forget his GLIDE REIGN OF THE GOOD KINGDOM.
Everyone was taken care of in his Kingdom. There was enough food for all, including the poor, and enough good houses and Mill Works. Even the sick had cure for their diseases and everyone was fine and loved the times. Then, Tallon died. In his Sencren Script, he had stated that it would be fair if his son Naviv took the crown. Naviv had a brother who e sickly named Tanidem. But after the demise of the King, the nobles sat up and took the crown from Naviv and gave it to his close cousins Nopror. Soon, many other cousins, nephews and nieces were interested in the throne. It led to a war known as "the war of the little Kings", where Nopror was conquered and killed. The ensuing Victors in the war, wrote the Nasem Script, which stated that all involved would simultaneously reign. They also stated that each person's crown spangle would be determined by their input in the war. So, each one of them had designed crowns all of gold but of different shades and held staffs of gold of different shades, and sat around one throne, decreeing.
But soon, a little disagreement came up. Usually, the Kings would rise up and point their staffs to the throne forth and back trice to show agreement. If anyone had a contrary opinion, he pointed his staff off the circle. The Kings Tallidom included:

King Little Show
King Small Heart
King Shoe man
King Don
King Falstor
King Whosoever
King Soondae and
King Naquest

Once, an issue was raised and their opinions were varied. So, all Kings stood up ( for females also were called kings) and pointed their staffs in different directions, till there was a quarrel called THE GOLD QUARREL. After THE GOLD QUARREL, the Kings sat down, decided and accepted that they would ruin the kingdom if all I them ruled on. Therefore, it was ascerted that they would always experience a Crown Contest when each of them arose to make a decision as the crowns spangled of different shades of gold. What then would they do? For surely, ty Crown Contest or Jealousy would always lead to a CROWN OR GOLD QUARREL.



Telefdom, the idle, quiet and seclusive Wise Nero Adviser Person of the kingdom who had all the while been kept aside was consulted. Telefdom, congratulated all the Kings and thanked them for their inputs into the Kingdom all through their reign, and sent a message to them that he was gone to his Idle Sofas in Nearby Nexxon Town, actually escaping from horror. But the kinglets, sent Porchester to search for and bring him back to the land, for he was a good advisor of King Tallon.
When Telefdom was brought, he asked the kinglets for one favor: which was that they would not kill him if he gave as expected, his advice, to which they all agreed. The, Telefdom told them that there was no point having crowns of different gold shades on their heads when there was one of the crowns which spangled more than all the rest. That in his assessment should be the King of Shampan. It was accepted, and King Whosoever was found to be the King let with the most golden spangling crown of all the kinglets. He was made king of Shampan and addressed as the EMPEROR FOUNDER I, KING WHOSOEVER, THE KING OF NARZAN TEMPOLY, THE TWIN LAND OF EVABREST AND SHAMPAN.



On his coronation, King Whosoever was to be given a golden; the most golden of crowns as the Evictor bif the lands of EVABREST and Shampan, but he refused. His decision was questioned. His reply was that he rather needed a blue crown, since everything had become gold to the other kinglets. He rather would accept wearing a blue crown since gold was so competitive and could further cause a GOLD OR CROWN QUARREL.
His army, the Hyaeondaeners withstood and was second to none in expression in all of Absolute Hill. Shampan was at peace as everyone thought no more of gold. The good times returned and everyone had enough to eat and still be who they were created to be.

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