

Category: /General/






Mr. Nita Aderelium held the position of assistant manager of Oil Flow Plc. He was good and faithful at his work. One day, while on official duty, he had an accident and was in coma for eight days. When he was finally resuscitated, he lost the use of his legs as he suffered a broken spine. The condition would persist for two years.

One day, a preacher called in to the hospital to see and pray for the patients. His name was Pastor Power Show. Power Show led the patients in prayer. During this time, Nita felt a crack on his spine and discovered he could make use of only his left leg. The spine had been partially healed. What would Nita do? Nita told the hospital authority that he needed to be productive as sedentary life is death. So, he called his manager, Mr. Pol Yae to discharge him back to his duties. It was accepted. But specifically, Mr. Nita had adopted a type of working system that was uncommon: he would work only at nights all through his life and time in Oil Flow. It was approved.
Where were Nita's problems coming from? Nita who had lost finances and his wife and children to the accident, finally started working on wheel chair.



On his first night on duty, Nita noticed something quite fearsome and interesting: strange things happened in the office premises. He would hear voices of people chuckling at him or threatening to stone him, with one putting his finger into his nose that night. That did not deter Nita. He kept the experience to himself and resumed work the following night. This night, he noticed a fly appeared in the centre of his office from nowhere, tried to enter into his nose and disappeared again, causing a nuisance. Then, finally, someone appeared physically on the seat by his desk, sat down and began to speak with him. He was a man in suits. He said "I am Dil de Pharaoh, and you have made the worst mistake to be here this night." But before he could disappear, Nita replied "You did." The next was the appearance of twelve people and a huge drum which was playing on its own with the people who were traditionally dressed, dancing round the drum, taunting, laughing, and transforming into pigs. These were the pig dancers. After twelve minutes, they all disappeared. Nita looked at his clock. It was exactly 12am. Nita grabbed his desk and started to chew his tongue, then he heard a loud thunder strike outside. It wasn't raining, though. What could cause it? It was here Nita noticed he could use his right leg also. The night watchman ran in and informed him that some strange thing had just happened. Some unknown person just appeared after being struck by thunder and fell from the sky. When he got there, he was shocked. They examined the corpse and to their dismay, it was the manager, Mr. Pol Yae. What would he be doing there at that time? Investigations were carried out and in the morning, it was found that Mr. Pol Yae had disappeared from the bed from beside his wife at exactly 11:30 pm. He was the culprit. He was responsible for all the troubless of Mr. Nita. The case was taken to court and his body was confiscated by the Tata Bureau and used as a specimen in the Boron laboratory.
The board on finding the competence, restored health, fitness and exposition of Mr. Nita, made him the new manager.

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