
After Easter

Category: /Poems/

After Easter

2020. Good Friday.
Christians will only attend
On your social networks,
Or on television,
Pope Francis and the priests to say the Gospel.
The Crucifixion of Christ,
No longer theatrical and seen,
At São Francisco Xavier Parish - https://www.facebook.com/PSFXMissionaria/ - Vila Missionária,
Or in a humanitarian way,
The largest open-air theater,
Today, the pandemic has taken us out of temples,
But, I'm sorry,
He didn't take us out of faith,
Of hope, of Christ,
Who was judged, crucified,
And, that is risen.
Easter, today it doesn't have that bunny meaning anymore,
Of chocolate, which we can eat any day,
But, from the True Christ,
From the last moment,
That life has given us.
The act that even without representation,
There is the thrill of knowing that Christ died for us.
And that after Easter,
We still have to stay,
Without going to the temples,
Without going to schools,
No riots, and wait.
Wait for a solution.
Wait for tenderness,
For thanking those in the fight.
Thank journalists
Bringing good and even bad news,
But, doing the day to day,
Our lives.
After Easter, here in Brazil,
In São Paulo, the quarantine will continue.
Well, we have the atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere,
With lower temperatures,
Propitious to the life span of viruses,
Outside the host.
And, thank you for everything.
By the True Christ,
For the Union, for me, it's with my mother,
And I miss my brother.
But, technology allows hi to see you if possible every day,
Today life is no longer that rushed form,
And, due to the pandemic,
Life gradually, northwards will become normal.
After all, we still don't know
Why some heal and others do not.
Everyone's day comes.
And, at the present time,
We are living the apocalypse of Saint John.
The nostradamic predictions that make everything look like a movie,
But the reality,
We have, I know that the Jews (https://www.fisesp.org.br/),
They celebrate Easter (Passage and Liberation of the people of Egypt),
And many other peoples.
But, we have to in any religion,
Pray and thank for another day.
Thank life,
And, every being that is out there.
Thank our politicians, even if we don't like it,
They also don't know what to do,
But, I say to @Bolsonaro (current president of the Brazilian Federative Republic), @ Dória, governor of my state (São Paulo) and Bruno Covas, that even they cannot escape the issue of humanity,
The truth that not even the most renowned doctors know everything.
The way is to ask for Wisdom - (https://www.bible.com/pt-PT/bible/228/WIS.9.BPT09DC) from God and continue to have faith and hope.
And, after Easter, continue our quarantine in a correct and pleasant way.
São Paulo, April 10, 2020.
I offer to Edlaine Lima, and so many others who would today birthday, the journalist @ Márcia Dantas - watching the exciting news of that day 4/10/2020 - SBT - First Impact. Márcia Dantas - people like us. 10 h and 15 minutes.

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