

Category: /General/
Somewhere in a place unknown by the Human Race
Another asked whats the one thing they do wrong
These Humans such as they are not all brilliant
In a voice sounding more like a kind of song

Oh that's easy said the other one in answer
Shaking his head in somewhat of surprise
And they've been doing it since time begun
He said with a glint within his very eyes

One word sums it up it's true old friend of mine
Assumptions that word it would be for sure
They always make wrong ones always did
And will be doing it for eternity and ever more

They've been doing this since time itself begun
And each one does it still and to this very day
Their life heart mind and soul all self coursed
Making wrong assumptions not too bright I say

Way before any religion politics no matter what
It's always been for them always the very same
They assume almost everything and never right
Almost everything including their climate change

They assume whats right and whats wrong in life
Who they think their friends are right through life
Making wrong assumptions all the while they do
Self creating endless woe for themselves such strife

They have no ability to live one day at any given time
Cannot simply live and let live as one all over the earth
And ever since man wrote his book in 03 of as if God
Life for the human race has a growing less by day worth

They've a need to worship and follow something anything
Yet they wrote in their book God is all things
God is mountains oceans sky and even earth
Oxygen and water and all that nature brings

They have a need to blame others for their strife
Rather than make all things as they should could be
And they make in doing so the mess they all know
With endless wrong assumptions of blame you see

When they get to an age where life turns a final page
They look back and still they always as always assume
With all the answers sitting on their very own noses
And with ego's puffed up with such assuming gloom

One word it is being assumptions feeling they know
Every right from every wrong as if life belongs to them
Each and every place upon their planet earth only home
Making wrong assumptions since time it self began

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

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