
12/1/18 The Basics With Pastor Beth

Category: /General/
This message comes on the Hillsong Channel on Saturday afternoons at 3:00pm and 4:30 pm on Sunday evenings via the Daystar Channel.
Because of Mother Nature, the signal on the Daystar Channel cannot be decoded.
Thanks to You, Holy Spirit, I can watch Pastor Osteen on the cellular phone via YouTube and I can receive Your message via the Basics at 3pm today!
Whenever one door closes, Lord, You always open another door.
Thank You, God, for opening bigger doors of encouragement and exhortation not just for me but Your entire Church.
Thank You, Master, for graciously opening this door of communication and thank You for communicating Your mercy in a variety of ways.
You are a God of Mercy and You are a God of Gracious Favor.
You are speaking through Pastor Beth and You have anointed her to write the book 'Getting the Grip on the Basics.'
I can listen to You speak through her.
You died on the Cross for all of us.
You have sent a Redeemer and a Savior.
You have given us a choice to accept Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Genesis 1:26-28
I need to be fruitful and multiply just like You command in Genesis.
I need to get married to Rick before I can multiply, or have offspring.
You are still working on me and You are establishing me.
I can be fruitful as long as I am connected to You as You are the Vine and I am the branch.
You originally created Adam and Eve to live forever.
The serpent deceived them and the same serpent deceives us even today.
Satan twists Your Word and deceives all of us.
Satan is the master of deception.
Eve listened to the serpent's voice.
Adam and Eve were separated from You because they ate the forbidden fruit.
Leviticus 17:11
Life is in Your blood.
You are the Lamb of God.
You came to the Earth that You created in order to save us.
I am contaminated.
You are Spotless and You are Sinless.
You are Eternal.
You became a Man and You took on a human body that has blood.
Hebrews 9:22
Through the Virgin Birth, You became a baby and You grew into a Man with human blood.
You, Christ, are the Sinless and Eternal God with human blood.
You were born through Your Mother Mary's body and Abba God is Your Father.
Your humility is amazing.
You came to the world You created and Your own received You not.
In all ways You were tempted just like I am and You have never sinned unlike me.
Unlike You, I have sinned and You have shed Your blood for all of us.
Your mission was to save us and redeem us.
We need to receive You right now.
You are the Ultimate Hero!
You are the Greatest Celebrity and You are the Ultimate Hero.
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
You were so submitted to the Father's Will for us and the world.
John 14:6
I cannot come to the Father except through You.
1 Timothy 2:5 and Acts 4:12
You are the Way.
Amen, thank You.

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